General Care and Maintenance
While dartboards do wear down by the nature of the game, there are a few things you can do to prolong the use of your dartboard!

1. Rotate the Board
Making sure to play each of the holes evenly will prolong the lifespan of your board. Otherwise, one hole will be overplayed and will wear down faster than the other parts of the board.
2. Throw darts Properly
Make sure to throw the darts at the specific distances and only straight on to the board. If you throw from the side or from further back it will increase the chances of damaging your board faster.
3. Keep out of the Sun
Direct sunlight can cause an undesired color alteration to your board and can dry it out so it performs poorly.
4. Keep out of the Cold
Similar to leaving in the sun, if your board is left in the cold it can cause the dartboard material to harden which could result in an undesirable performance. This could lead to a higher risk of damaging your board faster.